The first custom attribution model for Amazon Streaming TV

The first custom attribution model for Amazon Streaming TV

Oct 3, 2024

Oct 3, 2024

Current attribution models are flawed when evaluating the effectiveness of your Streaming TV ads. They often lack the nuance to measure how top-of-funnel awareness efforts influence downstream outcomes.

Last-touch attribution in the Amazon DSP is irrelevant for top-of-funnel ads and doesn't capture how earlier interactions lead to conversions. First-touch attribution is more practical but still limited. It may highlight initial interest but fails to account for the reinforcing effects of additional touchpoints. Linear attribution, which treats all of the touchpoints as equal, is directionally sound but isn’t intelligent.

While existing models are great conversation starters, savvy marketers yearn for something slightly more complex and opinionated. So, we created Gigi Attribution.

Gigi Attribution: A nuanced model for measuring Streaming TV Ads

Gigi Attribution takes a more complex and opinionated approach. It reflects our belief that first-touch and last-touch attribution should receive outsized credit in impacting customer decisions, while all other touchpoints share a smaller portion of the credit.

How it Works

Our model adapts the percentage of credit attributed to a touchpoint as the number of touchpoints grows, dynamically adjusting the credit distribution to more accurately reflect each touchpoint's influence.

For example, if you have 3 touchpoints, your first and last touch will be credited 40% each, with the middle touchpoint receiving 20% credit.

However, if your touchpoints increase from 3 to 8, first and last touch percentages will change to 33% each with 34% credited towards the aggregate 6 middle touchpoints, where each will be credited 5.67% individually.

A bespoke attribution model

While the Gigi Attribution model is based on our best practices and an understanding of Streaming TV's impact across the path to purchase, we recognize that this model might not be perfect for every marketer's needs. We want to use this as an opportunity to open up the conversation with brands to build their own custom attribution models in whatever manner they see fit. And we are excited to begin offering this as an additional package to our customers.

Our goal with Gigi Attribution is to help you see the true impact of your Streaming TV ads across the customer journey, offering a clearer picture of how touchpoints contribute to driving a purchase downstream. To learn more about how Gigi Attribution can transform your TV campaigns, visit

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